This tour presents itself as a full-day tour to Australian fighting places & Memorials where ANZAC soldiers were involved in the Somme country. There are many exciting aspects that you will discover during our tour through the Somme.
- A standard day tour starts with a visit to Amiens 13th century cathedral, mightiest gothic cathedral in France, twice the volume of Notre Dame de Paris.
Listed as UNESCO World Heritage since 1981, the cathedral is a true heritage of the crusades. And because of Anzacs stopping the German spring advance in 1918, its unbroken beauty stays with us.
Amiens cathedral is home to the unique offical French commemoration plaque honouring Australia & its contribution to victory. All the other Allies of France are also honoured with plaques.
Amiens cathedral also hosts the Australian fighting flag, first presented by General Sir William Birdwood. Monseigneur André du Bois de la Villerabel, bishop of Amiens till 1920 valued highly the Australian Corps. Anzacs have saved this World Heritage.
- Adelaïde Cemetery named so by Australian soldiers. The Unknown Australian Soldier was chosen here.
- Victoria School and the new Franco- Australian Museum, where bonds of friendship between Australia & France are hold so dear.
- The National Memorial of Australia with its white tower and wall of honour. Site of Dawn Service on ANZAC DAY and of the new Sir John Monash Center, an interactive museum to explain Australian engagement on the Western Front to futur generations.
- Close by we make a break and enjoy lunch in a charming restaurant beside the canal & its barges.
- The role of the Australian Corps Memorial Park is to explain ‘the role of the Australian Corps in the decisive battles of 1918’. Without any doubt one of the best outdoor sites we possess and for all Australians an absolute “must” on the Western Front.
- 1st Divison’s Memorial facing the reminders of Gibraltar blockhaus – first place ever captured on the Western Front by the AIF.
- The Windmill fighting ground on Pozières’ ridge. A place all Australians visit today.
- The grimest Australian fighting place: Mouquet Farm close to Thiepval.
Pozières has three Australian battle exploit plaques – a strong reminder of its place in history.
We will be back at Amiens station in time for the direct Paris evening train.
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